Coalition Moves Forward, Respecting COVID-19 Realities
Like every other organization and community project, the Inland Empire Opioid Crisis Coalition has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are a few of the ways IEOCC is adjusting to the emergent needs of its member organizations, while staying focused on reducing harm and caring for the community:
Fewer and shorter meetings: The Access to Treatment Workgroup continues to meet monthly to continue to serve patients and communities across the IE. The April and May meetings of our other three Workgroups were cancelled due to COVID-19 demands on group leaders. We expect to begin regular meetings once more in the summer, with the option for members to use meeting time to coordinate COVID-19 efforts as well as working on our opioids-related goals.
Slower strategy process: The work on a two-year strategy began at the March quarterly meeting, 10 days prior to social distancing and stay-at-home orders.This will be picked up again by the IEOCC Steering Committee in June.
Ad hoc meetings and connections: Which people and projects in the coalition do you need to stay in touch with? Facilitation and communication consultants with Signal Key are available to help with specific requests and ad hoc meetings during this period with fewer meetings each month.
Small-team projects with experts: In late April, IEOCC applied to two new opportunities from the California Opioid Safety Network, including training on mental health first aid and consultation on network sustainability.